Less Than 1/3rd Of Canadians Have “High Trust” In Their Government

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Less Than 1/3rd Of Canadians Have “High Trust” In Their Government

Trust in the government in Canada, and the government’s handling of public health, is waning, according to a new piece of in-house research conducted by the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC).

The report was called “Use Of Public Health Measures, Advice And Risk Assessment Survey” and it was conducted seeking out the opinions of 6,200 people across Canada and nine Federal focus groups. 

The new report says that: “Trust, particularly in the government and health care sector, is central to the effectiveness of public health measures.” It adds: “While respondents have a lot of trust in hospitals and health care workers, trust in the federal government (e.g., the Public Health Agency) is much lower.”

According to a new article from The Epoch Times, the only people who scored lower in “trust” than the Federal Government were large media companies and celebrities. 

The research asked Canadians to express their trust level in institutions and entities using a 1 to 10 scale, with 10 being the highest. Responding to a question about the Federal Government, just 32% of Canadians said they had “high trust”.

52% of respondents said they had high trust in doctors and nurses, while 56% said they had high trust in scientists. 42% of respondents said that they had high trust in family and friends. Journalists and large media companies secured 26% of the high trust ratings, followed by 18% for “ordinary people”, 12% for “people I follow on social media” and 8% for celebrities. 

PHAC said: “Celebrities and the people respondents follow on social media are trusted the least by respondents.”

The Epoch Times noted that on June 8, a report called “The Impact Of The Pandemic Experience On Future Vaccine-Related Intentions And Behaviour” had first noted that public mistrust toward Federal experts increased through and after the pandemic. 

“Asked what the remedy might be for restoring trust, participants suggested being honest and admit your mistakes,” the report concluded.

And well…we all know that’s not going to happen. 

Tyler Durden
Wed, 08/30/2023 – 05:45

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