“Historic” Wildfires Rage Across California As “Red Flag Warning” Declared 

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“Historic” Wildfires Rage Across California As “Red Flag Warning” Declared 

Tyler Durden

Tue, 09/08/2020 – 16:40

California’s record-breaking fire season is becoming absolutely devastating with wildfires raging across the Golden State as a weekend heatwave sent temperatures soaring (Californians used 47K MW at peak over the weekend, versus the 38K summer average). Now, powerful winds could make things a whole lot worse in the coming days by stoking additional fires.

Gov. Gavin Newsom held a press conference on Tuesday afternoon, calling the wildfires “historic.” He said as many as 3,400 building structures have been destroyed with at least 2.3 million acres burned. 


Also on Tuesday afternoon, the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (Cal Fire) issued a “Red Flag Warning” for much of the state through Wednesday as “strong winds, low humidity, and high temperatures” created the perfect conditions for wildfires to thrive. 

A Red Flag Warning is issued for weather events which may result in extreme fire behavior that will occur within 24 hours. A Fire Weather Watch is issued when weather conditions could exist in the next 12-72 hours. A Red Flag Warning is the highest alert. During these times extreme caution is urged by all residents, because a simple spark can cause a major wildfire. A Fire Weather Watch is one level below a warning, but fire danger is still high. 

The type of weather patterns that can cause a watch or warning include low relative humidity, strong winds, dry fuels, the possibility of dry lightning strikes, or any combination of the above.

During heightened fire danger, CAL FIRE will place additional firefighters on duty, staff more fire engines and keep more equipment on 24 hours a day to be able to respond to any new fires. CAL FIRE urges Californians to be extremely cautious, especially during periods of high fire danger. It’s important all residents and visitors take steps to prevent wildfires. One less spark could mean one less wildfire. See below for tips on preventing wildfires. – Cal Fire

Heaping on even more aggravation,  Pacific Gas & Electric announced Monday that 22 counties across Northern and Central California have had their power turned off, with the outages set to last several days.

Statewide, some 40,000 customers are without power. 

ANd the LATimes reports 39 fires are burning across the state. 

Here’s a partial list of all the active wildfires in the state (includes acres burned, how many days, and containment info): 

  • Scu Lightning Complex, 396,624 acres burned, Burning for 21 days, 94% contained
  • Lnu Lightning Complex, 375,209 acres burned, Burning for 22 days, 91% contained 
  • Creek, 143,929 acres burned, Burning for 4 days, 0% contained
  • Czu Lightning Complex, 86,509 acres burned, Burning for 23 days, 81% contained 
  • W-5 Cold Springs, 84,817 acres burned, Burning for 16 days, 98% contained 
  • Dolan, 73,089 acres burned, Burning for 20 days, 40% contained
  • Castle, 63,194 acres burned, Burning for 20 days, 1% contained 
  • Sqf Complex, 62,887 acres burned, Burning for 18 days, 7% contained
  • Red Salmon Complex, 47,934 acres burned, Burning for 21 days, 20% contained
  • North Complex, 40,843 acres burned, Burning for 21 days, 51% contained
  • Claremont-bear, 40,703 acres burned, Burning for 22 days, no data 
  • Apple, 33,424 acres burned, Burning for 39 days, 95% contained 
  • Lake, 31,089 acres burned, Burning for 27 days, 95% contained 
  • Sheep, 29,570 acres burned, Burning for 17 days, 90% contained 
  • Slink, 21,755 acres burned, Burning for 7 days, 36% contained 
  • Valley, 17,345 acres burned, Burning for 3 days, 3% contained 
  • El Dorado, 10,574 acres burned, Burning for 3 days, contained 16%
  • Bobcat, 8,553 acres burned, Burning for 2 days, no data 
  • Woodward, 4,835 acres burned, Burning for 21 days, 95% contained 
  • Butte/tehama/glenn Lightning Comple, 2,782 acres burned, Burning for 22 days, 80% contained 
  • Round, 2,570 acres burned, Burning for 23 days, 95% contained 
  • Ohlone, 1,897 acres burned, Burning for 23 days, 10% contained
  • Oak, 1,000 acres burned, Burning for 1 day, 0% contained 
  • Potters, 927 acres burned, Burning for 21 days, 98% contained 
  • Butte, Tehama, Glenn Lightning Complex, 926 acres burned, Burning for 22 days, 98% contained
  • Bluejay, 905 acres burned, Burning for 45 days, 15% contained 
  • Blue Jay, 850 acres burned, Burning for 21 days, 15% contained
  • Wolf, 599 acres burned, Burning for 28 days, no data
  • Shotgun, 497 acres burned, Burning for 20 days, no data
  • Rattlesnake, 497 acres burned, Burning for 5 days, 95% contained
  • Hobo, 413 acres burned, Burning for 7 days, 90% contained 
  • Coyote, 143 acres burned, Burning for 18 days, 20% contained
  • Doe, no data, Burning for 23 days, 23% contained 
  • Slater, Started today

The worst of the fire season doesn’t usually start until October, but so far, the state has seen more than 2 million acres burned, the largest amount on record. This figure surpasses all of 2018, according to the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection. 

“Existing fires are displaying extreme fire behavior … and we simply do not have enough resources to fully fight and contain every fire,” said Randy Moore, regional forester for the USDA Forest Service Pacific Southwest Region  

Here’s some footage of the wildfires burning across the state:




From the coronavirus pandemic to depressionary unemployment to wildfires, Californians have been grappling with the triple threat from hell this year. 

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