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Trump Again Calls For Pre-Debate ‘Drug Test’ Of “Sleepy Joe”

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Trump Again Calls For Pre-Debate ‘Drug Test’ Of “Sleepy Joe”

Tyler Durden

Sun, 09/27/2020 – 12:35

President Trump has again pointed attention to Joe Biden’s apparent slowness from ageing, or even the possibility of dementia, ahead of Tuesday night’s debate, calling on Biden to agree to take a ‘test’.

In a Sunday morning tweet Trump specifically demanded “a Drug Test of Sleepy Joe Biden prior to, or after, the Debate on Tuesday night” which the president said he would undergo as well. In the past the demands have been focused on mental fitness tests, however.

Trump suggested that given prior instances of the seeming inability of Biden to speak well and coherently in fielding random media questions (especially when there’s no teleprompter), those instances where he speaks articulately must be due to drugs.

The president questioned: 

His Debate performances have been record setting UNEVEN, to put it mildly. Only drugs could have caused this discrepancy???

Meanwhile The New York Times on Sunday acknowledged that recent Trump campaign claims of Biden lacking proper mental acuity to lead the nation will be to some degree affirmed or ultimately disproven Tuesday night:

President Trump has framed the first general election debate as a test for his opponent, former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr.

Yet he has simultaneously set the bar so low for so long that many of his supporters — having watched unflattering, often manipulated clips of Mr. Biden in Trump campaign advertisements or on Fox News — are now expecting the president to mop the floor with an incoherent opponent in something resembling a W.W.E. match.

Democrats — and even some Republicans — believe that is not likely to happen.

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Via Boston Globe

The Trump campaign has been seizing on Biden’s series of gaffes and momentary melt-downs in simple presentations of his points, which sometimes appear due to confusion or not really knowing what he’s saying (or reading off a screen):

Broadly, it’s unfortunate that this is where we now are in American politics — essentially having to weigh whether a candidate is mentally present enough to participate in a debate and take the highest office in the land, with the other throwing out accusations of drug use. 

* * *

And there’s always this option…

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