Get ‘em while they’re hot! The Postal Service has just issued drug-war stamps! You don’t want to miss out on these! What better way to send your Christmas cards than with drug-war stamps!
The Postal Service is doing its part to win the decades-long drug war. Never mind that the drug war is a total failure, that it has produced nothing but death and destruction of liberty, that it has brought untold corruption to the criminal-justice arena, and that it just happens to be the most racially bigoted government program since segregation. All that was needed to finally win the war was the issuance of drug-war postage stamps.
The Postal Service issued its drug-war stamp during “Red Ribbon Week,” which, according to an article in the Southern Maryland Chronicle, is the “nation’s oldest and largest drug abuse prevention awareness program.” The ceremony announcing the stamp was held at the headquarters of the DEA in Arlington, Virginia.
The first Drug Ribbon Week was held during the Ronald Reagan administration in 1988. Yes, the drug war has been going on that long, and actually before that. It was President Richard Nixon who actually declared war on drugs back in the 1970s. And of course drug laws stretch even further back than that.
According to the Chronicle article, Red Ribbon Week was started after the death of Drug Enforcement Administration special agent Enrique “Kiki” Camarena, who was tortured and murdered in 1985 by drug traffickers he was investigating in Mexico.”
That is truly rich because according to the excellent new Amazon Prime documentary The Last Narc, it was the CIA that participated in the kidnapping, torture, and execution of Camarena because he was becoming dangerously close to discovering the role of the CIA in narco-trafficking during the Iran Contra affair.
Oh sure, the CIA denies that it is was involved but it would deny it if it was involved. The CIA is not exactly known for truth-telling. And as The Last Narc shows, there are plenty of eyewitnesses who claim that the CIA was involved.
Has anyone convened a grand jury to investigate the CIA’s role in the Camerena crime? Has anyone within the CIA or the CIA itself been indicted for participating in the crime? Has Congress launched an investigation into the matter?
If you believe so, I’ve got a ton of drug-war postage stamps I’d like to sell you at the discounted price of one buck each. No one within America’s government system jacks with the CIA, especially given its omnipotent powers of assassination, kidnapping, torture, and execution.
The Postal Service should be ashamed of itself. Rather than glorify a crooked, corrupt, immoral, deadly, destructive, and failed government program, it should instead have issued a stamp saying “End the Drug War.” Better yet, it should do the country a favor and dismantle itself and its crooked and destructive postal monopoly.
The post Get Those Drug-War Stamps While They’re Hot! appeared first on The Future of Freedom Foundation.
The Future of Freedom Foundation was founded in 1989 by FFF president Jacob Hornberger with the aim of establishing an educational foundation that would advance an uncompromising case for libertarianism in the context of both foreign and domestic policy. The mission of The Future of Freedom Foundation is to advance freedom by providing an uncompromising moral and economic case for individual liberty, free markets, private property, and limited government. Visit https://www.fff.org