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Weekend Insights – On Zionism, and Civil Disobedience

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Welcome back to Weekend Insights, your LCI “President’s Corner” of miscellaneous articles, events, books, vids, and whatever else I’m thinking about… 

Just a few links for today, including one long read…

Our friend Jamin Hübner has written an extensive piece on Zionism that is well worth reading for the history and theology therein. Sit down for it with a cuppa joe, because it’s BIG!

A new report from Galaxy Digital demonstrates that Bitcoin uses far less energy than the “traditional” banking system. (via Cointelegraph)

FEE was killing it this week with great articles…

Larry Reed tells the stories of 11 memorable acts of civil disobedience. Great stuff.

Is inflation on the way? Seems more and more likely…

Homeschoolers get ahead!

Ever wondered what Machine Learning is all about? Learn more here from MIT.

And as always, don’t forget to check out our book Faith Seeking Freedom!

Cheers, and have a great week!

The post Weekend Insights – On Zionism, and Civil Disobedience appeared first on Libertarian Christian Institute.

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