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2000th Episode: Pics

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Some 2500 people attended the special event I held for the 2000th episode of the Tom Woods Show. Video will be released very soon, possibly today. Thank you to everyone who attended!

The room before we began.

People finding their seats.

We had two large video screens for showing occasional clips and to make it easier for people in the back to see the proceedings.

Another view of the room.

Host Jeff Deist addresses the room, while roasting everyone.
My entrance.
Me talking to the folks.
More of that.
I’ve just introduced the great Scott Horton, whom I kept off the bill so he’d be a surprise to the audience — who gave him a massive ovation.
Scott proceeds to roast everyone.
When he gets to me, I have an objection.
Angela McArdle and her TikTok nurses.
Angela kept the audience spellbound.
Doc Dixon is about to saw me in half.
After the sawing. As you can see, I survived it well.
Lyn Ulbricht received a huge ovation.
Woods vs. Horton in Family Feud. Team Woods ended up winning.
Doc Dixon heads into the audience to get five volunteers to face victorious Team Woods.
Team Woods against audience members.
Something must have gone our way, but we ended up losing this game to the audience members!
I surprised everyone by emerging for the dad joke rematch dressed like this, after having said that Hawaiian shirts make people look like Boomers, and that men should not wear shorts.
The joke-off commences.
Here I am protesting a decision of the judge. “They’re trying to take it from me again!”
Michael Boldin declares Eric the winner.
Michael Malice before the appearance of his special surprise guest.
Goodbye until episode #3000!
From left: Caryn Ann Harlos, Lyn Ulbricht, Jimmy Morrison (producer of The Bubble films), Tho Bishop (Mises Institute), magician Doc Dixon, Michael Maresco (the Ron Paul Rider), The Pholosopher, Scott Horton, Eric July, Angela McArdle, Michael Malice, and me. Not pictured: Jeff Deist and Michael Boldin.

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Read the original article at TomWoods.com. https://tomwoods.com/2000th-episode-pics/

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