Pfizer Whistleblower Exposes Vaccine Data Cover-Up

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In mid-November 2021, two months after the lawsuit against it was filed, the FDA released the first batch of 91 pages,16,17 which reveal the FDA has been aware of shocking safety issues since April 30, 2021.

Cumulatively, through February 28, 2021, Pfizer received 42,086 adverse event reports, including 1,223 deaths, primarily from the U.S., U.K., Italy, Germany, France and Portugal. Of those adverse events, 25,379 were medically confirmed. Below is a chart from one of the documents,18 showing a general overview of the reported outcomes.

To have 1,223 fatalities and 42,086 reports of injury in the first three months is a significant safety signal, especially when you consider that the 1976 swine flu vaccine was pulled after only 25 deaths.

In the video above, Melanie Risdon with the Western Standard interviews Dr. Daniel Nagase, a doctor in Alberta, Canada, who was stripped of his Alberta medical license after successfully treating COVID-19 patients with ivermectin. Nagase reviews other equally devastating data in these documents.

He points out that of the 42,086 patients who were injured at some point during those first three months, 520 of them were diagnosed with a long-term disability or condition as a result. Not recovered at the time of the report were 11,361. That means 27% of those injured had not recovered from their adverse event.

When you add it all together: the 1,223 deaths, the 520 long-term disabilities and the 11,361 who had not recovered from their injury, you end up with just over 31%.

In other words, nearly 1 in 3 people who got the shot and suffered an adverse effect ended up dead, permanently disabled or with long-term unresolved injury. “This should be front-page news,” Nagase says. How can the FDA look at this and conclude that the shot is safe? Clearly, when people get injured by this shot, they’re often injured very badly.

Pfizer Data Prove Shot Is Unsafe for Pregnant Women

On page 12 of the “Cumulative Analysis of Post-Authorization Adverse Event Reports Received Through 28-Feb-2021” document,19 you find data on pregnant and lactating women. Here too, the results are hair-raising and should have triggered a complete stop to the injection campaign of pregnant and nursing women.

Disturbingly, they did not collect comprehensive data on these women, such as which trimester they were in when they received the shots. This again points to serious problems with Pfizer’s trial data collection. How do you include pregnant women in a trial and don’t collect basic information such as how many weeks pregnant they are?

On page 12 we find that out of 124 adverse event cases involving a pregnant woman, only 49 were non-serious and 75 were serious. So, out of the 274 pregnant mothers who reported an adverse event, 27% suffered a SERIOUS adverse event, such as a miscarriage or stillbirth. “That’s an incredible danger!” Nagase says and, again, the FDA has been aware of this danger since April 30, 2021.

The data also show there’s danger for breastfeeding mothers. Of the 133 nursing mothers who filed a report, 17 of the breastfed babies — 13% — suffered an adverse event through this secondary exposure (breastmilk), a finding that Nagase calls “absolutely stupendous.”

“So, this idea that the ‘vaccine’ sheds and transfers through breastmilk is absolutely true,” he says. “It’s proven by Pfizer’s own adverse event data.”

Children at Risk for Serious Long-Term Injury

Pfizer also received 34 adverse event reports involving children under the age of 12, the youngest being 2 months old. Of those, 24 were categorized as “serious” and only 10 were “non-serious.” So, of the children who were injured, 70.6% suffered SERIOUS injury.

How can our health agencies approve this COVID shot for children under the age of 12 when a vast majority of injuries, when they occur, are serious ones? What’s more, 13 of the children who were seriously injured remained unresolved as of February 28, 2021.

According to Nagase, based on these documents alone, Pfizer’s COVID shot should have been permanently pulled from the market. The reason it wasn’t, he believes, is because the medical and regulatory systems have both been corrupted and usurped by the drug industry. They want to make money off these shots, and our health authorities are covering up proven harms in order to facilitate profitmaking.

At the end of the day, only you can decide what’s in your best interest. But please, do review the actual science before you make your decision and don’t blindly trust corporate press releases and unsupported statements of safety.

Pfizer’s own data prove it’s not safe by any reasonable definition of the word, and that’s on top of the testimony of Jackson and others who have seen just how shoddy the data gathering is.

Sources and References

The post Pfizer Whistleblower Exposes Vaccine Data Cover-Up appeared first on LewRockwell.

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