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Pope Francis Condemns Russian Invasion While Sharing Part Of Putin’s Fear Of American Globalism

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As tensions between Russia and Ukraine have escalated to the point of war, the eyes of Catholics worldwide naturally turn toward their leader for his solemn guidance. On Friday the 25th of February, Pope Francis paid an unusual visit to the Russian Embassy in Rome, to speak in person with the Russian ambassador and voice his opposition to Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. It was one of a series of gestures which the Holy Father has made to oppose the “madness of war.”

Another such gesture was his call to all Catholics to join him in extra prayer and fasting on Ash Wednesday, for the intention of peace between Russia and Ukraine. By way of these gestures, Francis has made quite clear his position on Putin’s war, notwithstanding some commentators’ attempts to portray him as simply neutral on the question. Catholics who follow their pope must likewise condemn Putin’s invasion.

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