Conservatives Are Wrong on Education

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Conservatives are understandably angered about the state of schooling in this country. For decades, the public-school bureaucracy has peddled the line that they care about education. The revealed truth, however, is quite sinister. Public schools have become indoctrination centers – hostile to learning, hostile to freedom, hostile to children, and hostile to families.

Many people are waking up to this reality, and the renewed interest in a mostly previously ignored level of government – the local school board – has become so intense in the last two years that even the White House and Justice Department have taken notice. Unsurprisingly, the response is to demonize those who speak up, even to the extent of labeling them “domestic terrorists.”

There’s a lesson here: when Democrats tell people to “get involved in the political process if you want change,” what they actually mean is be quiet and let the Really Smart People take care of everything. Congressman Tom Malinowski (D-NJ) reminded everyone of this recently, when a video of him surfaced in which he called concerned parents a “fringe movement” worked up about “cultural bullshit.” Isn’t that nice and respectful?

When you’re taking flak, you’re over the target, and Rep. Malinowski is correct that this is about culture. Conservatives have watched passively for quite some time while schools were used to push a different line of “cultural bullshit” – the Marxist agenda, with a disgusting dose of prurience thrown in. Right-leaning people have finally had enough. The problem is, they don’t have the right prescription to cure the problem and, honestly, could just end up making things worse.

For example, a state senator in Oklahoma, Rob Standridge, has introduced the “Students’ Religious Belief Protection Act.” If this bill were to become law, it would give parents the power to “demand the removal of any book with perceived anti-religious content from school libraries. Subjects like LGBT+ issues, evolution, the big bang theory and even birth control would be off the table,” reported the UK Independent. Under this law, teachers could actually be sued for offending students and upsetting parents.

Across the country, conservatives are lining up to run for school-board positions, hoping to be elected so they can expose the leftist workings in public schools. Laws like the one mentioned above, as well as so-called “parental rights” bills making their way through some state legislatures and attempts to make school board races partisan, accurately reflect the size of this growing movement to “take back our schools.” One school board member, Bridget Ziegler, in Sarasota, Florida, believes Republicans can “flip” her school board red and that it would be a “big deal.” She told Brietbart’s Hannah Bleu,

The coordination that I’ve seen at the local level with the Democratic Party at the national level and state level with our local school boards to – for the mask mandates, to stick it to Governor DeSantis because it was more about a DeSantis/Biden thing than it was about safety – and then you see now that there is a very strategic, coordinated effort with these foundations.

Ziegler is correct – there is a line running from the DNC all the way down to your child’s classroom, and it has been funneling Marxist (and other) filth into childrens’ minds for far too long. But should it be replaced with a GOP-run classroom instead? Should it be replaced with a confusing, arbitrary mandate, like the one proposed in Oklahoma, that requires teachers and schools to constantly bend to every parent’s whim when it comes to curricula, text books, and religion, lest they be hauled into court? Replacing one master for another might give conservatives a sense of empowerment – and an opportunity to “stick it” to their political rivals for a change – but that only means schools will remain a political football, used to gin up emotions against the opposite side. How is that good for students?

Conservatives have a very hard time accepting the fact that culture – like religion – ought to be separate from the state. It should be the product of voluntary decisions made by free people in the marketplace of goods and services – and the marketplace of ideas. Democrats have declared culture to be within the purview of government action because they want everything to be within the purview of government action. Conservatives who want to fight the “culture war” ought not fall into that trap. They are right to be alarmed that schools have become a leftist tool used to indoctrinate children, but the solution is to separate school and state – just take government out of the equation – and then parents and families, not bureaucrats and politicians, will be in charge. Isn’t that what conservatives claim they want?

The post Conservatives Are Wrong on Education appeared first on The Future of Freedom Foundation.

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