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Should We Forgive Student Debt?

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I’m excited to share a special bonus episode of The Reason Interview with Nick GillespieIt’s a debate about forgiving student loan, debt organized and produced by the good folks at Intelligence Squared US, America’s leading platform for fair, balanced, informed debate on all the leading issues of the day. I’ve been involved with them for years, including participating in debates on drug legalization, Medicare for All, Net Neutrality, and today’s show about student loans (which originally took place in March 2021).

In the interests of transparency, you should know that this is a paid promotion. But I’m happy to share this Intelligence Squared US debate not just because I’m one of the debaters, but because it’s modeling exactly what we need more of: deeply informed and civil arguments over what sorts of policies we need to help make our country the best it can be.

They’re doing great stuff over at Intelligence Squared by bringing reason and passion to controversial topics and presenting all sides fairly and creatively. The debates are done “Oxford style,” which means the winner is the team that persuades more people to its side. That adds drama and excitement to each debate.

The moderator is John Donvan, a legendary, award-winning journalist who doesn’t let anyone get away with cheap shots or slippery language. I always learn a ton, whether I’m just listening to or participating in one of the debates. It’s a terrific series that reaches back years and covers just about every topic you can imagine and you can access it all by subscribing to their podcast feed or by going over to their website, where they also have video and a ton of links and supporting materials so you can do your own research and come to your own conclusions.

And now, without further ado, here’s a great debate from Intelligence Squared, Should We Forgive Student Debt? If you want to check out the video version, transcript, and background about all the participants, go here.

The post Should We Forgive Student Debt? appeared first on Reason.com.

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