Pressure group tells German citizens to use app to report “hate speech”

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Pressure groups in Germany are encouraging users to report instances of “digital violence” through a reporting app.

The NGO HateAid developed an app called “ReportHeroes” that can be used by the public to report instances of “digital violence,” including “hate speech,” defamation, and racism.

The NGO rose to fame due to its role in a sting operation against the police.

As reported by Der Spiegel, the investigation, which was supported by a TV show called “ZDF Magazin Royale,” found out that the police were not adequately fast in acting on, or recording, incidents of online “hate speech” that had been reported.

As a result of the investigation, several police officers have had criminal complaints brought against them.

HateAid used the investigation to denounce law enforcement for ignoring incidents of “clearly right-wing extremist comments,” and to recommend that German law enforcement should be reformed to act more quickly on incidents of so-called “digital violence.”

The NGO’s app, ReportHeroes, is touted as a tool that will help fight “all forms of digital violence, whether insults, defamation, sexist digital violence, hate comments or hate speech.”

Once an incident is reported through ReportHeroes, HateAid verifies it and then forwards valid complaints to the Frankfurt am Main Public Prosecutor’s Office, which then decides whether to prosecute.

HateAid’s website states: “Very important: If you are not sure whether the comment is actually criminally relevant or not, remember: It is better to report too many than too few!”

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