Lions of Liberty #591 | Academic Agent on “The Populist Delusion” and Pro Wrestling

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In this week’s Lions of Liberty, Marc invites an old friend from his past life in the pro wrestling podcast world who has now ascended to the heights of the alternative political sphere with his YouTube channel, the Academic Agent! AA describes how exit from the pro wrestling podcast universe as Wokeness began to take its hold, and find a new obsession with politics and political theory. He traversed through libertarian philosophy and has now found himself at the forefront of the conversation surrounding “Elite Theory.” AA breaks down some of the key concepts in his book “The Populist Delusion” ,while Marc does his best to cram in as many pro wrestling analogies as possible along the way!

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Check out the other Lions-hosted podcasts:

Second Print Comics podcast with Marc Clair and Remso Martinez The BOHRing podcast with Brian, Odie, and Rico.

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