Russia condemns Abe shooting as ‘terrorism’

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Moscow has expressed shock at the apparent assassination attempt on the former Japanese prime minister

Russia has described the assassination attempt on former Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe as a “monstrous crime” and an “act of terrorism.” Everyone responsible for it should be held accountable, Moscow said.

The Russian Foreign Ministry said it was “shocked” by the attack on the Japanese statesman, “who made an invaluable contribution to the development of Russian-Japanese relationship in all spheres.”

Russia expressed support for his family and friends, calling for them to stay strong.

READ MORE: Japan’s former PM Abe has died after being shot – media

Abe was shot and seriously injured in the Japanese city of Nara, where he was delivering a speech ahead of a parliamentary election. He reportedly died in hospital later on Friday, after Russia released the statement.

Police identified the gunman, who was apprehended at the scene, as a 41-year-old local resident.

The has attack sparked universal condemnation both in Japan and in other nations.

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