“He’s Not Running Again”: Top Democrat Lawmaker Predicts One Term For Biden

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“He’s Not Running Again”: Top Democrat Lawmaker Predicts One Term For Biden

Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY), who chairs the House Committee on Oversight and Reform, told the NY Times Editorial Board in a weekend interview that President Joe Biden won’t run for office a second time.

“Off the record, he’s not running again,” Maloney said, when asked – to which the Times responded, “Not off the record. On the record.”

“On the record?” She replied. “No, he should not run again.

Earlier this month, Maloney said during a debate against Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) that she doesn’t think Biden will run again – a comment she walked back the next day.

“Mr. President, I apologize,” she said on CNN, adding “I want you to run. I happen to think you won’t be running, but when you run or if you run, I will be there 100%. You have deserved it.”

“You are a great president, and thank you for everything you’ve done for my state and all the states and all the cities in America,” she continued.

Maloney’s latest comments come as recent polling shows that a majority of Americans are worried about Biden’s mental health.

Maloney’s comments are in stark contrast to the Biden camp – with Bloomberg reporting earlier in the week that the president is planning to launch his re-election campaign shortly after midterms (despite the fact that 75% of Democrats want another candidate to run).

Mean while, in an appearance on ABC‘s “The View,” White House spox Karine Jean-Pierre insisted the president is running.

“So let me just say this and the president has been asked this question multiple times. So have I,” she said, adding “The president intends to run in 2024. That is something that he’s, again, has said multiple times. It is so far away right now. It is a long time away and what we are going to focus on, on how do we continue to deliver for the American public today, and the next day and has we have been doing the past 18 months. I will say this from that same poll that you are reading off of, is that in a head-to-head, the president beats Donald Trump.”


Tyler Durden
Sun, 08/14/2022 – 17:40

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