“If You Gonna Be A Ho, Be A Real Ho”: CPS Worker Fired After Telling 14-Year-Old To Become Prostitute

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“If You Gonna Be A Ho, Be A Real Ho”: CPS Worker Fired After Telling 14-Year-Old To Become Prostitute

A Child Protective Services (CPS) employee in Texas has been fired after telling a starving 14-year-old girl to become a prostitute.

“If you gonna be a ho – be a real ho,” the employee told the teenager, who recorded the interaction.

“Because the worker had been telling her this is how you can make money, I used to do this, and you could do the same thing,” the girl’s mother, Keisa Bazley, told Fox 26. “When I saw the video with the lady, like my soul left my body.”

Family law attorney Mike Schneider thinks CPS knows it’s in for a battle.

“They know about it. They apologized and the head of CPS has apologized about this. What they didn’t do is tell the court dealing with this case that was going on Thursday, when they wanted to dismiss the case.”

Schneider says CPS was hoping to dismiss the case and get the 14-year-old out of the state’s care. That didn’t happen. The girl is now living in a foster home instead of a hotel. -Fox 26

“The fact that they didn’t think it was relevant that their own agency is trying to prostitute a child, that’s incredibly disingenuous, to have a hearing and not bring that to the court’s attention,” he added.

In a statement, Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) Spokeswoman Melissa Lanford said: “DFPS is aware of the video and has taken action. The person in the video – who was employed as CPS support staff – was dismissed from her position August 10. The safety and appropriateness with which children in care must be treated is our paramount concern. Nothing less will be tolerated.”

Tyler Durden
Sun, 08/21/2022 – 11:00

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