Latest deadly attack on Donetsk: What we know 

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Kiev’s forces used a US-made HIMARS missile launcher to hit a government building, local officials say

Ukrainian troops bombarded government buildings and residential areas in Donetsk with Western-supplied shells and missiles on Tuesday, Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) officials have said.

According to the city’s emergency services, three civilians were killed and six injured as several apartment complexes and vehicles were damaged. Officials stated that NATO-standard 155mm caliber shells were used in the attack.

DPR head Denis Pushilin’s office took a direct hit, with the upper floor of the building destroyed. Pushilin, who was not at his workplace during the attack, is unharmed. 

The deputy information minister of the DPR, Daniil Bezsonov, said that Pushilin’s office was struck with a missile fired from a US-made M142 HIMARS launcher. 

The city’s Central Hotel, where journalists usually stay, was also shelled. The facade of a school was damaged as well. 

There were no reports of casualties in either the office building, or in the hotel. 

READ MORE: US to send Ukraine GPS-guided munitions – Politico

In a video address outside his damaged office, Pushilin argued that the West bears responsibility for the attack by providing weapons to Ukraine. “This makes the West complicit in the destruction of civilian infrastructure in Donetsk,” he said, accusing Kiev of using “terrorist methods” of warfare.

Kiev has not commented on the matter. Ukrainian officials previously alleged that their troops only strike military targets.


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