Zaporozhye official killed in car bombing

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The head of the Russian-controlled Ukrainian village of Mikhailovka died after his vehicle exploded

The top official in the military-civilian administration of Russian-held Mikhailovka, Ivan Sushko, was killed after his car was blown up by Ukrainian saboteurs, Zaporozhye Region Council member Vladimir Rogov announced on Wednesday.

“An explosive device was planted under the seat of the car of the head of the settlement. As a result of the explosion, Ivan Sushko was wounded and taken to the hospital in critical condition, where he soon died,” Rogov said on Telegram.

Just one day earlier, officials in Kherson Region also reported a blast that was targeted at one of the members of the local administration, according to regional head Kirill Stremousov.

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He said the perpetrators also used an improvised explosive device and their intended target was Igor Telegin, the deputy head of the department of internal policy of the administration of Kherson Region, which is currently controlled by Russian forces. Stremousov stated that Telegin was not injured as a result of the explosion, which he blamed on local saboteurs.

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