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Trump Says He’ll “Crush” Biden In 2024 Rematch, Prevent WWIII

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Trump Says He’ll “Crush” Biden In 2024 Rematch, Prevent WWIII

Former President Trump predicts that he’ll “crush” President Biden in the event of a 2024 rematch.

Speaking for more than an hour to roughly 1,500 people at a Manchester, NH meeting hall, Trump compared himself to “Crooked Joe” who has sought, in Trump’s words, “four more disastrous years.”

“He’ll be known from now on as ‘Crooked Joe Biden,'” Trump said, telling the crowd that he’s “retiring” the nickname he gave former rival Hillary Clinton, and adding: “There’s never been anyone in the history of American politics so crooked or dishonest.”

Trump called out the Biden family for raking in millions of dollars in foreign interests, including China.

“You wonder why he does nothing about China,” said Trump, who added that while he was president he provided US lobstermen with “hundreds of millions of dollars in relief straight from the money we were taking in from China,” boosting an important industry.

“Joe Biden cares only about enriching his own family. I care about enriching your family and you,” said the former president, adding that he knows how to stand up against China’s leader, Xi Jinping, while Biden doesn’t.

“I got along with a lot of people. That’s why we had no wars,” said Trump. “A Biden victory will be bad for you, good for China, and truly great for these globalists,” he continued. “Standing before you today I am the only candidate who can make this promise; I will prevent world war three.

“A Trump victory will be bad for the globalists … the Marxists, but it will be great for the hard-working people.”

Trump also said he handed Biden “the fastest economic recovery ever recorded, all with no inflation,” but that “He took that booming economy and promptly blew it to shreds.”

The former president also said that “I really believe if you took the 10 worst presidents and added them up, they would not have done what this man and what this administration has done.”

The gross domestic product, a key economic indicator, is now anemic at 1.4 percent growth. Energy costs are up, and so is inflation. Real wages are down 24 months in a row—a record, Trump said. “We have to rescue America from the wreckage of the Biden economy,” he said. -Epoch Times

When it comes to crime and punishment, Trump says he would keep American cities safer by beefing up immigration enforcement and ‘re-funding’ police agencies. He would also fight back against “radical” district attorneys who have ‘weaponized’ the US justice system while turning a blind eye to violent criminals.

“If I fly over a state that happens to be Democrat-run, they send me a subpoena to go before a grand jury. These people are sick!” Trump joked. “And by the way, after this speech, they’re gonna be comin’ after me big-time … In the end, they’re not coming after me. They’re coming after you, and I’m just standing in the way.

After noting his lead in several polls as GOP frontrunner, Trump said he would “crush” Biden if they face each other in a rematch on Nov. 5 rematch, but warned the audience that they would need to cast so many votes that it overwhelms any attempts by Democrats to cheat.

“The choice in this election is now between strength and weakness, between success or failure, between safety or anarchy, between peace or conflict, and prosperity or catastrophe,” he said.


Tyler Durden
Fri, 04/28/2023 – 11:55

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