Homeowner Locked Out Of Amazon Account Over False Racism Accusation

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Amazon’s “long arm” is among the longest in the tech industry, itself notorious for corporations trampling on their customers’ and users’ privacy, and sometimes even civil rights.

Thanks to a plethora of services and devices, the Seattle-based giant has been able to literally reach into people’s homes like no other.

Now a story tells of an incident when a seemingly innocent user suffered, at the same time bringing up the question of how smart exactly Amazon’s “Smart Home” devices, and the infrastructure/processes behind them are.

Not the worst thing in the world, you might say – to get locked out of your Amazon account. Might even be good for your overall well-being. But in this case, the reason is pretty bad – an accusation of racism, that reliable sources say is baseless.

It all started in late May, with an Amazon delivery to the front door of a customer identified as Brandon Jackson, and ended in the said citizen being blocked from using “smart home” devices like Amazon Echo.

Another Amazon “smart home” device was involved- the Ring doorbell. More specifically, a delivery driver accused Jackson of making racist comments, through the device.

According to Jackson – who has not provided evidence, such as screenshots – but with Louis Rossmann now – considered a trusted source – claiming to have seen the audio/video recordings and emails to back the story up – all that actually happened was the Ring doorbell spouting out an automated response, “Excuse me, can I help you?”

Anyway, Jackson also claims that at the time he was supposed to engage in a form of racist abuse, he wasn’t even home.

But the driver who delivered the package was insistent. And Amazon – in possession, of course, of data from the man’s property – chose to err on the driver’s side. The result – “smart home” devices, all of them, were disabled as punishment.

The only sound conclusion to the case is that letting Big Tech into your home – and life – by way of becoming dependent on their services, their interpretations, and ultimately their mercy – is a genuinely bad idea.

The post Homeowner Locked Out Of Amazon Account Over False Racism Accusation appeared first on Reclaim The Net.

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