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Tucker Carlson Savages Bidens Over Hunter’s ‘Slap On The Wrist’ For Tax, Gun Crimes

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Tucker Carlson Savages Bidens Over Hunter’s ‘Slap On The Wrist’ For Tax, Gun Crimes

Tucker Carlson savaged the Biden family on Tuesday, hours after it was announced that Hunter Biden would receive a slap on the wrist – and would only be required to plead guilty to simple tax crimes and a gun charge, despite what many would say is obvious evidence that he’s been acting as a foreign agent.

Carlson noted how none of the charges have to do with influence peddling – including Hunter’s alleged role as an international bag man for the Biden family (alleged, of course), which included a $10 million payment from Burisma to Hunter and Joe Biden, according to an FBI source.

“Investigators had ‘identified payments to Biden family members from foreign companies, while Joe Biden served as Vice President and after he left public office.'”

“So actually there was something there. It was a scandal,” Carlson said. “Racketeering, money laundering, wire fraud. Those are some of the crimes the Bidens seem to have committed.”


“Donald Trump had an idea, ‘they’ll hit Hunter with something small to make their strike on me look fair.’ Trump wrote that about two weeks ago,” said Carlson. “And it turned out, those were prescient words. This morning, Hunter Biden pleaded guilty to pretty much nothing. Biden pleaded to two misdemeanor tax evasion charges and then entered a diversion on a federal gun charge. That’s it. As far as Merrick Garland’s justice department is concerned, Hunter Biden is done. There was no pre-dawn raid carried live simultaneously on CNN, there was no perp walk, no handcuffs, no press conference.”

Above all, there was no felony. Hunter Biden who broke federal gun laws can still carry a gun. It’s like it all never happened,” Carlson continued.

According to the Washington Post, Hunter, 53, is expected to plead guilty to two misdemeanor tax charges of failure to pay in 2017 and 2018, for a combined tax liability of roughly $1.2 million. He’ll also admit to illegally possessing a weapon after his 2018 purchase of a handgun – which will likely result in a ‘diversion program’ which would result in the removal of the gun charge if all of the program’s conditions are met.

Of course – this reeks of a containment strategy to avoid implicating the sitting President, as the feds apparently haven’t been looking into ill-gotten gains from a massive international influence-peddling operation while his dad was VP, for which there is ample evidence.


Tyler Durden
Tue, 06/20/2023 – 15:09

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