Nine More Ukraines

Joe Biden must think that he’s the world’s Rich Uncle. In a meeting with the so-called Bucharest Nine today he promised these former Warsaw Pact nations – which should never …

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War and Indifference

Which is more destructive to personal liberty, a government that engages in secret acts of war or a public and news media that are indifferent to it? In the current …

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How Much Is US Aid to Ukraine Costing You?

Reprinted with permission from Econlib. In 2022, the U.S. government approved expenditures of $113 billion on aid to Ukraine. The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget writes: In total, CBO …

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Is Civilization at Stake in Ukraine?

Originally posted at TomDispatch. The name of the game in Ukraine seems to be escalation, not just in the fighting (with a major Russian offensive expected soon), but in weaponry, …

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