The Anti-Russia Paranoia
Given the mid-term elections, the anti-Russia paranoia of U.S. officials has been at a peak. The feds have been scouring the Internet to determine whether the Russians are improperly influencing …
Given the mid-term elections, the anti-Russia paranoia of U.S. officials has been at a peak. The feds have been scouring the Internet to determine whether the Russians are improperly influencing …
Imagine a large, dark, windowless room filled with hundreds of people. Then imagine that one person lights a small candle, bringing a ray of light to that dark room. That …
REMINDER! Our online conference “End Inflation and the Fed” resumes this evening with another great presentation. Tonight’s speaker will be Robert Wright, senior Research Fellow at the American Institute for …
When I first discovered libertarianism in the late 1970s, I came across an essay entitled “Not Yours to Give.” The essay was published by The Foundation for Economic Education in …
As longtime supporters of The Future of Freedom Foundation know, ever since our inception in 1989 we have called for open borders — genuine open borders — as the only …
One of the interesting aspects of President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act was the allocation of $80 billion in increased funding for the Internal Revenue Service, one of the most powerful …
Social Security benefits will soon be increasing, as they do almost every year, but Social Security taxes will not be increasing, as they haven’t for over 30 years. This shows …
If the Pentagon’s proxy war against Russia in Ukraine somehow turns nuclear and both Russia and the United States hit each other with their entire nuclear arsenals, I wonder how …
Amidst the increasingly degrading situation in Ukraine, a number of American commentators are calling on President Biden to enter into negotiations with Russia in an attempt to resolve the crisis. …
After the U.S. invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, the American people were constantly exhorted to thank the troops for their service. The mantra spread throughout American society. Politicians used it …