What We Need is a New Direction for America
If John Kennedy were president today, there never would have been a Russian invasion of Ukraine. That’s because of two things: (1) Kennedy’s unique ability to step into the shoes …
If John Kennedy were president today, there never would have been a Russian invasion of Ukraine. That’s because of two things: (1) Kennedy’s unique ability to step into the shoes …
Just as the Supreme Court case of Roe v. Wade did not legalize abortion in America, so the overturning of Roe v. Wade will not end abortion in America. In …
Amidst all the pontificating by President Biden, the Pentagon, and the CIA about Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, a question naturally arises: Why the U.S. aggression against Cuba? Oh, sure, one …
The White House used April 20 to reiterate President Biden’s alleged belief that marijuana users should not be in jail. The date is significant, because marijuana advocates celebrate that date …
There is no question but that the war on drugs has produced death, suffering, ruination of lives, official corruption (i.e., bribery), violence, gang wars, drug cartels, drug lords, overfilled prisons, …
By now, the whole world knows that Elon Musk, the founder and CEO of Tesla and SpaceX—and the richest man in the world—is buying Twitter for $44 billion and taking …
Last week, I received an email from a conservative-oriented libertarian who suggested to me that it is disloyal to “side with Russia” because Ukraine was “just sitting there” when it …
Those who have read my books The Kennedy Autopsy and The Kennedy Autopsy 2 know that the U.S. military establishment conducted a fraudulent autopsy on President Kennedy’s body on the …
One of the political paternalist tricks is to insist that any economic policy failure is more “proof” of the bankruptcy of the market economy. Once again, this worn-out device is …
Illinois Republican congressman Adam Kinzinger is going ballistic over comments made by fellow congressman Rand Paul and Fox News commentator Tucker Carlson that supposedly suggest a support of Russia in …