The Tyranny of the “Enlightened” Experts

If you were to stroll through any typical upper-middle-income American neighborhood in 2021, the odds are very high that you’d observe at least one yard sign exuberantly proclaiming something like this: “In …

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Central Banking as an Engine of Corruption

Much has been written about the famous debate between Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton over the constitutionality of America’s first central bank, the Bank of the United States (BUS). This …

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The World of Salamanca

The subject of the medieval period highlights the vast gulf that separates scholarly opinion from popular opinion. This is a grave frustration for scholars who have been working to change …

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UBI and the Road to Serfdom

Many people think that a universal basic income (UBI) would be a good substitute for the welfare state. Under this proposal, each person resident in a country would receive a …

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Allen Mendenhall—Is Intellectualism Dead?

Allen Mendenhall joins the show to expand last week’s discussion on the intellectual state of America. Are we living in a decidedly anti-intellectual age, or has America always been predisposed toward …

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