Prohibition’s Repeal: What Made FDR Popular

For seventy-plus years, the case of Franklin Delano Roosevelt has vexed people of a libertarian bent. His policies, extending war socialism based on Mussolini’s economic structure, expanded the American state …

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State-Mandated Vaccines Are a Moral Minefield

Forcing one person to take medication or vaccines for the benefit of another person is directly opposed to basic notions of self-ownership and human rights.  Original Article: “State-Mandated Vaccines Are …

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Is Math Racist? That Does Not Compute

Racism has, tragically, raised its ugly head throughout history. And American has certainly seen its share. But after all the other things that have been called racist, with everything connected …

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Down with the Presidency

The modern institution of the presidency is the primary political evil Americans face, and the cause of nearly all our woes. It squanders the national wealth and starts unjust wars …

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