The Future of Trump’s Populism

The GOP is at its worst when it’s run by the old Bush-Romney-Cheney faction that was in power before Trump. Will “Trumpism” endure, or will the party go back to …

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Why Commies Hate Your Thanksgiving Dinner

In 1923 Lenin released a propaganda pamphlet titled Down with the Private Kitchen. It explained how private dinners with one’s family are reactionary, bourgeois, and generally something requiring total destruction. …

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Let Slip the Dogs of Secession

Break It Up: Secession, Division, and the Secret History of America’s Imperfect Unionby Richard KreitnerLittle, Brown, 2020viii + 486 pages The extreme polarization in American politics today has led many …

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The Right to Own a Gun Isn’t Just for Americans

Private firearms ownership decentralizes coercive power, transferring some of it from the state to the private individual. Naturally, political regimes oppose this. But even many non-Americans embrace private arms. Original …

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