Why Is the Fed So Afraid of Judy Shelton?

In spite of fierce opposition from numerous US Senators—and countless screeds against her issued by pundits and establishment economists—Judy Shelton still has a chance of being confirmed to the Fed’s …

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A Conversation with Lipton Matthews

Lipton Matthews, whose recent contributions to the Mises Wire offer a libertarian perspective on topics such as empire, colonialism, racism, slavery, capitalism, and riots, was interviewed by Mises Institute associated scholar …

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James Mill: Laissez-Faire’s Lenin

[An Austrian Perspective on the History of Economic Thought (1995)] James Mill (1771–1836) was surely one of the most fascinating figures in the history of economic thought. And yet he …

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The US Savings Bond Scam

Very insightful commentary has been made of late, much of it by fellows or fellow travelers of the Mises Institute, regarding the effects that monetary policy is having upon the …

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