Our Fall Campaign Starts Today!

The mission of the Mises Institute is simple. We want to spread the ideas of Ludwig von Mises and the scholars he inspired. Ideas that are vital for a free and prosperous …

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Dude, Where’s My Inflation?

From time to time, Austrian economists, goldbugs, and other economists on the saner end of the spectrum warn of the inflationary dangers of modern central bank policies. The most famous case …

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Compulsory vs. Free Education

Compulsory public schooling is like having the government use the taxpayers’ money to set up a nationwide chain of public newspapers and then compelling all people to read them. This …

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One Hundred Years of Medical Fascism

The introduction of Obamacare was only the natural evolution of many decades of increasing state control of the healthcare industry. This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon. …

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Should Billionaires Exist?

It may be emotionally satisfying for many to favor sticking it to billionaires, but reason informs us that in so doing it is the poor who would end up paying …

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Abenomics: Big Debts with Nothing to Show for It

Reaganomics, Clintonomics, Obamanomics, and Trumponomics. Abenomics is an economic philosophy named after Prime Minister Abe. It is a multipronged strategy that involves increasing Japan’s money supply, enhancing government spending, and …

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