The Nature of Man and His Government

Here is Robert LeFevre’s classic argument (1959) for a purely free society, the essay that made him a leading, if controversial, spokesman for the libertarian position on government and society …

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The Unseen Costs of Covid Policies

Recorded in Birmingham, Alabama, on April 2, 2022. Slides used during this talk are available here. Special thanks to Mark Walker for sponsoring this event. Mises WireThe Mises Institute exists …

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The New Slavery: Nock on Spencer

[This is Albert Jay Nock’s (1870–1945) introduction to Spencer’s forgotten 1884 classic, The Man versus the State.] In 1851 Herbert Spencer published a treatise called Social Statics; or, The Conditions Essential to …

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Rothbard on Today’s Progressive War Jingoism

Rothbard the historian explained so well how the true progressive goal was always to remake America domestically by promoting war. Original Article: “Rothbard on Today’s Progressive War Jingoism“ This Audio …

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NATO: Our International Welfare Queens

The states of Europe have more than enough wealth and military potential to deal with a second-rate power like Russia. The American taxpayers, on the other hand, deserve a break …

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