Bitcoin Isn’t Any More Dangerous than the Euro

Major representatives of the European Central Bank—including ECB president Christine Lagarde—continue to warn against bitcoin. In a recent article, addressed to the inflation-adverse German audience, the ECB representative Klaus Masuch together …

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Planned Chaos

The characteristic mark of this age of dictators, wars, and revolutions is its anti-capitalistic bias. Most governments and political parties are eager to restrict the sphere of private initiative and …

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When Fiat Currency Stops Being Money

Most emerging and developed market currencies have devalued significantly relative to the United States dollar in 2021 despite the Federal Reserve’s aggressive monetary policy. Furthermore, emerging economies that have benefitted from rising …

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Equality and Envy

Critics of egalitarianism, meaning by that equality, or close to it, of income and wealth among the members of a society, often claim that it rests on envy. In response, …

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Jim Bovard on HL Mencken

HL Mencken is the writer you need to read immediately. He was savagely brilliant, caustic, and witty, but also prolific across genres in ways almost unthinkable of journalists today. His …

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The Befuddling World of the Antieconomist

Time for Socialism: Dispatches from a World on Fire, 2016–2020By Thomas PikettyYale University Press, 2021352 pages Thomas Piketty has written a useful book. Readers need no longer plough their way …

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How Governments Seized Control of Money

In discussions surrounding of the world’s monetary systems today there is usually one thing almost everyone can agree on: that money should be controlled by the organizations we call “states” …

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