Media Blackout On Elite Pedophilia Cases

Why are they ignoring these huge stories? NewsWarsNewsWars is a news outlet produced by Alex Jones and InfoWars. Alex Jones is internationally recognized by many as a trailblazer of new …

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Biden’s Rescue Plan Won’t Reduce Poverty

“Poverty in society is overcome by productivity, and in no other way. There is no political alchemy which can transmute diminished production into increased consumption.” NewsWarsNewsWars is a news outlet …

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Joe Biden Is The Crisis

This has to be the most miserable, incompetent administration ever witnessed in American history. NewsWarsNewsWars is a news outlet produced by Alex Jones and InfoWars. Alex Jones is internationally recognized …

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Why Are Liberals So Damn Stupid?

This is a mere sampling of the challenges of having to deal with liberal stupidity on a daily basis. NewsWarsNewsWars is a news outlet produced by Alex Jones and InfoWars. …

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