Predictive Policing or Targeted Harassment?

Rio Wojtecki, a 15-year-old Florida resident, hadn’t been in trouble for nearly a year. But in late 2019, sheriff’s deputies started showing up everywhere to “check up” on him. Over …

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Brickbat: Mmmmm, Donuts

A police officer in Cambridgeshire, England, has been accused of switching the bar code on a box of donuts and trying to buy them in the self-checkout line for seven …

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Maybe He Deserved Those Negative Online Reviews?

From People v. Underhill (Colo. Sup. Ct. Office of Presiding Disciplinary Judge, issued Sept. 17 but just posted on Westlaw recently): The Presiding Disciplinary Judge dismissed the reinstatement petition of James …

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No Preliminary Injunctions Against Libel

From a report and recommendation by Magistrate Judge Debra C. Poplin (E.D. Tenn. Oct. 30) in Saidak v. Schmidt, just adopted Friday by Judge Jon P. McCalla. The Complaint states …

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