Thursday Open Thread

Please feel free to write comments on this post on whatever topic you like! (As usual, please avoid personal insults of each other, vulgarities aimed at each other or at …

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The Games Must Go On

In any other baseball season, two Cleveland Indians pitchers hitting the bars in Chicago after a Saturday night game wouldn’t be news. It wouldn’t cause a minor scandal within the …

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Brickbat: Free and Open Discussion

Gloucester, Massachusetts, school Superintendent Ben Lummis says he was disappointed when he heard a teacher had mocked a 12-year-old student for voicing support for President Donald Trump during a classroom …

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Vexatious Litigant vs. Linda Sarsour

Monday, the Illinois Appellate Court held that Abdul Mohammed should be declared a vexatious litigant, and enjoined from filing various lawsuits related to some frivolous claims that he had already …

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