Anti-Riot Act Partly Upheld, Partly Struck Down

Yesterday’s Fourth Circuit decision in U.S. v. Miselis, written by Judge Robert King and joined by Judges Albert Diaz and Allison Jones Rushing considered a facial First Amendment challenge to the …

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Today in Supreme Court History: August 25, 1998

8/25/1998: Justice Lewis Powell dies. Justice Lewis Powell ReasonFounded in 1968, Reason is the magazine of free minds and free markets. We produce hard-hitting independent journalism on civil liberties, politics, …

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Brickbat: No Shirt, No Service

Officials with California’s East Side Union High School District have placed a teacher on leave after he was seen teaching a virtual math class while not wearing a shirt, a …

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Political Conventions Should Be NC-17

It’s the first day of the Republican National Convention, which means that things are already getting pear-shaped. In other words, it’s a fitting follow-up to what the Democrats did (and …

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Monday Bear Blogging—Covid-19 Edition

Maine’s annual bear hunting season begins next week, only with a twist. According to an Associated Press report in Greenwire, the state is encouraging hunters to take extra precautions due …

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