Remy: NoMargaritasville (Jimmy Buffet Parody)

Some people claim that there’s a woman to blame. But we know it’s the government’s fault. “Margaritaville” parody written and performed by Remy; music tracks, mastering, and background vocals by …

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Today in Supreme Court History: July 27, 1929

7/27/1929: The Geneva Conventions are signed by United States. The Supreme Court would consider the Conventions in Hamdan v. Rumsfeld (2006). The Roberts Court (2006)   ReasonFounded in 1968, Reason is …

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Dumping Milk, Then and Now

In 1933, a coalition of Wisconsin dairy farmers protested the collapse of milk prices by intercepting shipments headed to market and dumping milk cans. The strikers hoped that reducing the …

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“A Peaceful Demonstration Intensified”

Could be a new bit of terminology here. “You are being charged with an intensified peaceful demonstration, in the second degree. How do you plead?” Protesters in California set fire …

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Today in Supreme Court History: July 26, 1892

7/26/1892: Justice George Shiras Jr. takes oath. Justice George Shiras ReasonFounded in 1968, Reason is the magazine of free minds and free markets. We produce hard-hitting independent journalism on civil …

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