Coronavirus Cuisine

This was not going to plan. On Monday, March 16, I was supposed to be in Austin, Texas, wrapping up a weeklong event at South by Southwest, where I would …

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The Space Force Has a Horse. Of Course.

In space, no one can hear you neigh. It remains somewhat unclear exactly what purpose the newest branch of the American military, the U.S. Space Force, is supposed to serve, …

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Today in Supreme Court History: July 25, 1965

7/25/1965: Justice Arthur J. Goldberg resigns. Justice Arthur Goldberg ReasonFounded in 1968, Reason is the magazine of free minds and free markets. We produce hard-hitting independent journalism on civil liberties, …

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Indians and Aliens

The Mound Builder Myth: Fake History and the Hunt for a “Lost White Race,” by Jason Colavito, University of Oklahoma Press, 386 pages, $24.95 It took Jason Colavito eight years to …

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