Today in Supreme Court History: May 7, 1873

5/7/1873: Chief Justice Salmon P. Chase died. One month earlier, he dissented in the Slaughter-House Cases, and was the lone dissenter in Bradwell v. Illinois.   ReasonFounded in 1968, Reason is the magazine …

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Immigrants Have a Right to Privacy Too

The Trump administration has started forcibly collecting DNA samples from immigrants in detention and sending that information to an FBI criminal database called the Combined DNA Index System (CODIS) for …

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Brickbat: Choose One

Illinois boaters are baffled and upset by an order that doesn’t allow more than two people in a boat on the water, even if those people are family members who …

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Trump’s Coronavirus Blame Game

The coronavirus did apparently originate in China. Now President Donald Trump wants to punish that country for its role in letting the virus spread to the United States. This is …

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