Federalist Society Executive Branch Review Week

You can see the details and links here; topics include the unitary executive, judicial review, nondelegation, nationwide injunctions, “federalism, COVID-19, and the administrative state,” and more. You can call in …

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A Quite Unusual 5-4 Split on the Supreme Court

The Supreme Court issued three opinions in argued cases today, punting (correctly) in one of the biggest cases of the term. The most interesting decision came in Georgia v. Public.Resource.org, in …

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Today in Supreme Court History: April 27, 1822

4/27/1822: President Ulysses S. Grant’s birthday. He would appoint five Justices to the Supreme Court: Chief Justice Waite, Justice Strong, Justice Bradley, and Justice Hunt. President Grant’s appointees ReasonFounded in …

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Brickbat: Rescuing You from Yourself

Police in Tasmania, Australia, say they are using a rescue helicopter to patrol for people violating a stay-at-home order. If the helicopter spots someone on the road, the pilot will …

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Frontiers in Sex Equality

Christina Hoff Sommers had a great response to an, er, easy target of a tweet by Broadway producer and former Hillary Clinton “LGBT Outreach Grassroots Coordinator” Tom D’Angora: What is your …

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