EU nation’s Facebook likens sanctions to bomb

The Hungarian government posted the anti-sanctions message after polling citizens on their views Hungary has issued a condemnation of EU sanctions against Russia, posting an image on its official government …

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Israel urged to pick side in Ukraine conflict

Minister of Diaspora Affairs Nachman Shai called for supplying arms to Kiev, claiming Iran was arming Russia Israel should begin supplying military aid to Ukraine, Minister of Diaspora Affairs Nachman …

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Russia responds to UN official’s rape claims

The special representative accused Moscow of using sexual violence as part of its strategy in Ukraine this week Claims made by the UN special representative on sexual violence, Pramila Patten, …

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Kiev puts large bounty on top Russian military blogger

Igor Strelkov, a veteran of several armed conflicts, has reportedly volunteered for the frontline Ukraine’s military intelligence service (GUR) announced on Sunday a $100,000 bounty for the capture of prominent …

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Kremlin speaks on NATO’s ‘de-facto’ role in Ukraine

Russia will successfully conduct its military operation despite interference from the US-led bloc, Moscow says NATO has “de-facto become involved in the Ukraine conflict,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told Russia …

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Thousands march against economic misery in Paris

The demonstrations took place amid rising inflation and fuel shortages Massive crowds of protesters took to the streets of Paris on Sunday to voice discontent over the rising cost of …

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France told to pay damages to ex-FEMEN activist

The Strasbourg Court defended a mock abortion ‘performance’ in a Paris church as “freedom of expression” The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has ordered France to pay almost €10,000 …

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