Poland wants Ukraine to admit genocide

A deputy culture minister says the 1943 Volhyn massacres fit the definition of genocide and Kiev will have to recognize that The mass murder of Poles by Ukrainian nationalists during …

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Ukraine issues new ban on Russian language 

Kiev has removed a range of courses from the national school curriculum Russian language and literature courses will no longer be taught in Ukraine, according to an updated curriculum posted …

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Finland announces visa crackdown on Russians

The country’s Foreign Ministry will cut the daily number of visas given to Russians in half and is calling for an EU-wide ban Finland’s Foreign Ministry announced on Tuesday that …

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Double boosted Jill Biden is Covid positive

The first lady is currently traveling with the president, who recently caught the coronavirus and relapsed after recovery US First Lady Jill Biden tested positive for Covid-19 on Tuesday, despite …

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Chinese ship makes controversial Sri Lanka visit

The docking was previously postponed, with India and the US reportedly considering it a spy vessel A Chinese naval research ship docked in a Beijing-built port in Sri Lanka on …

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