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Lacalle: A Day Of Reckoning Looms For The Global Economy

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European and Asian economic data is deteriorating, says economist and author Daniel Lacalle.

“I’d call right now the day of reckoning,” Lacalle says, in this video excerpt of our soon-to-be released podcast In The Arena.

 “The entire message from mainstream consensus is ‘Yes there was a global slowdown,’ but using the trade war as an excuse.”

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jaVX4Dd_vzA]

Lacalle argues that the global growth slowdown has absolutely nothing to do with the trade war and says the trend in economic data around the world suggests Wall Street estimates for global growth are still too high.

“We’re now in the reality check period,” Lacalle says.

“Now, the risk of recession is starting to build up.”

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