9/6/19 Dan Cohen on Mob Violence and Nativism in Hong Kong

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Dan Cohen comes on the show for an update on the protests in Hong Kong. Though positioned as a popular pro-democracy movement, some of the protest leaders have alarming ties to American think tanks like the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, which may be trying to influence the movement in a direction that will benefit U.S. interests in the end. Cohen says the protesters certainly have good grounds for their outrage, but that we should be careful fully supporting a cause whose motives and aims aren’t exactly clear.

Discussed on the show:

“Behind a made-for-TV Hong Kong protest narrative, Washington is backing nativism and mob violence” (The Grayzone)“Joshua: Teenager vs. Superpower (2017)” (IMDb)Colour revolution“Watch the film the Israel lobby didn’t want you to see” (Electronic Intifada)

Dan Cohen is a journalist and co-producer of the award-winning documentary, Killing Gaza. His website is dancohenmedia.com. Follow him on Twitter @dancohen3000.

This episode of the Scott Horton Show is sponsored by: NoDev NoOps NoIT, by Hussein Badakhchani; The War State, by Mike Swanson; WallStreetWindow.com; Tom Woods’ Liberty Classroom; ExpandDesigns.com/Scott; Washinton Babylon; Liberty Under Attack Publications; Listen and Think Audio; TheBumperSticker.com; and LibertyStickers.com.

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