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Introducing ConLaw.us

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Randy Barnett and I are pleased to launch ConLaw.us. We built this interactive site as a a supplement to our new book, An Introduction to Constitutional Law: 100 Supreme Court Cases Everyone Should Know. We built four innovative new features to teach about constitutional law.

100 Supreme Court Cases

First, we developed an interface to display our 100 cases both chronologically, and by topic. This feature allows students to quickly scroll through two centuries of Supreme Court decisions, or to study the leading cases within each of the 15 topics in the book.


The Justices

We developed a graphical interface to view all of the Justices. They are sorted by the appointing President.

Annotated Constitution

This feature allows students to quickly read the entire Constitution, and see what cases are associated with a particular clause.

Constitutional Places

Constitutional Places allows students to see what cases arose in a particular state. They can also check what Justices called that state home. Here, we localize constitutional law.

We will have more exciting features to announce shortly.

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