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Former Trump Fan Joe Walsh Thinks the President Should Be Impeached

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Editor at Large Matt Welch speaks with former Republican congressman and talk show host Joe Walsh, who is currently mounting a long-odds primary challenge against President Donald Trump. Walsh, who served one term in the House representing Illinois’ 8th District, used to be a Trump supporter. Now he says the president is a liar, a bully, and a racist who is completely unfit for office. The one-time Tea Party favorite called for Trump’s impeachment after the Mueller report came out earlier this year. 

Walsh confesses to his role as a hype man for Trump and to his own past racist comments about Barack Obama. He also talks about the decline of the Tea Party as a political force and the need for the GOP, which has gone astray on such issues as trade, debt, and spending, to embrace libertarian ideas.

Audio production by Ian Keyser and Regan Taylor.

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