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Bernie Sanders Surges To 7-Point Lead In Iowa: Times Poll

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Bernie Sanders Surges To 7-Point Lead In Iowa: Times Poll

A week to go until the Iowa caucuses, and a new Times-Siena poll published Saturaday shows Bernie Sanders opening up a sizeable lead, with Biden dropping to third under Buttigieg. Sanders is now 7-points ahead of the closest Democrat contender in Iowa, which marks an impressive 6-point jump since the last Times-Siena College survey of likely caucusgoers done in October.


Separate popularity measures, such as the online betting exchange PredictIt has Bernie Sanders above Joe Biden in first place…

… surpassing Joe Biden for the first time, while on UK online bookie website Betfair, Bernie has gone absolutely parabolic.


Ironically, this comes after days of liberals throwing tantrums amid an angry internet meltdown over immensely popular podcast host Joe Rogan endorsing Sanders.

Rogan, who has in the past expressed libertarian and right-leaning views, was promptly smeared as a “White Nationalist Transphobe” among other names geared toward de-platforming him.

But as we’ve observed before, this anti-Bernie establishment animus appears to have only broadened his appeal among progressives and young Democrat voters. 

All the polls of the past week appear to confirm as much:


The massive surge over the rest of the field appears to have come at Elizabeth Warren’s expense, similar to what prior polling in California revealed. 

“She’s dropped from her lead in the last Times-Siena survey, in October, while Joe Biden and Pete Buttigieg have been stagnant. Amy Klobuchar is the only other candidate approaching double digits,” The New York Times notes. 


It appears the Jan.14 debate theatrics that Warren put on when she very dramatically snubbed the Vermont Senator while charging “I think you just called me a liar on national TV” and ensuring the whole thing was caught on camera have backfired

Image source AFP/Getty 

Now with such a definitive lead in the polls, no doubt the CNN and MSNBC pundits and hosts are ready to crank up the smear machine into high gear as we head a mere days away from Iowa. 


Tyler Durden

Sat, 01/25/2020 – 12:30


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