Lions of Liberty #582 | The Elites’ Plan for the Next Million Years w/ Jay Dyer

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In this week’s Lions of Liberty, Marc is joined by Jay Dyer, author of “Esoteric Hollywood: Sex, Cults and Symbols in Film” Parts 1 and 2 and host of the 4th hour of *that show we can’t mention.* Jay dives into his background with religion and conspiracy and how his study of film coincided with his interest in the esoteric to bring life “Esoteric Hollywood”. Marc and Jay take a side tangent digging further into Jay’s bad acid trip as a teenage through which he believes he interacted with a demonic entity, and how experience has since been filtered through his current belief in Orthodox Christianity. Jay and Marc then break down the themes of the book “The Next Million Years”, a book written by Charles Galton Darwin in 1953 that lays out the elites’ plans for the future. How can the writings of the elites help us understand the events of today? We ROAR about all this and more in this week’s Lions of Liberty with Marc Clair!

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Check out the other Lions-hosted podcasts:

Second Print Comics podcast with Marc Clair and Remso Martinez The BOHRing podcast with Brian, Odie, Howie and Rico.

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